Saturday, October 20, 2007

Alone in the crowded cyber world

It isn’t everyday that you find yourself sitting alone, pondering the multiple facets of your life. Or is it!
As of late, the fact that one is alone has slowly but surely made itself much more apparent. The myriad of friends that one would talk to face to face have disappeared and morphed into “online buddies.” Regular conversations no longer exist. They have regressed to short statements and emoticons. One no longer states whether they are happy, sad, upset, excited or any other emotion. Society simply relies upon a colon, dash and one parenthesis to decide if the interlocutor is content or down on his/her luck. A true verbal expression of feelings is never conveyed.
So, now I find myself here. Alone. I am attempting to converse with you, but there is no flow back from you. Will the future entail relationships with people we have never met and never hope to meet? Will people continue to fall in love online? Has everything become virtual? Will we ever have true contact? Or are we doomed to a fate of acquaintances, friendships and love via a flickering screen of colors devoid of emotional warmth and the soft human touch?


Blogger Nils said...

Sometimes I feel alone too, and you can see friends but is not the same... but when you found yourself, all changes. Greetings from Denmark!

1:08 PM  
Blogger Georgia said...

I have honestly found myself wishing I lived in another time period. Not because I do not like living in the world as it is now, but I long for a much simpler world where families gather around the campfire after dinner to tell stories, where people are more in-tune with nature, take a walk by the water creek without disruption of internet, cell-phones, mp3s, deadlines, soccer practices, and endless programs on television. I long for a time when falling in love and spending time together with friends takes place face to face, where we feel the gentle breeze and track the endless stars in the sky without the endless to-do-lists. Oh how I wish for the simpler times. Maybe because I find myself simpler at heart, or long for a world where loneliness is not so evident or so magnified.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are born alone & will die Alone, we are the only one's in our own heads, even if we are able to live with the companionship of others we are still Alone
your right nils, when we have come to terms with ourselves, when we can look into the mirror & like who we see, it is somewhat easier To Be
but in Reality, we are Never Alone,..... God is always There
time, place, "progress" isn't the problem, We all Choose to be involved in those time consuming events that we fill our lives with,
So, if we can Choose to be involved we can also Choose to have the simpler things, take a step Back, ask yourself "is this really worthy of my time/Life", because when it comes down to it, only He has the 411 on when we're Done,
spending time
and in the end when people are looking back on your life, remebering you, who will they remember? is it the You that you want people to know? is it the way you would want Him to see you? are you ready to see Him? have you lived everyday like it was your last? taken every opportunity that He put in front of you to Show Him? You are Worthy of the Life He gave.... you.....? Bought with His own Blood, are you Worthy of the price He paid for You?
Did you hug your Children, brothers sisters Mother Father, did you take the challange & Live up to the Promises that you made before You were a tangable seeing feeling breathing Human Being
Or Did you just stand by & watch... when you could have Done Something anything, to help, to make your time worth Living
Life will never be perfect, nor should it be, it's about living, making mistakes, & learning from them, falling down & learning how to get back up again and much of the time, we are "Alone" in the learning

7:32 PM  
Blogger AfricAsiaEuro said...

Hey what's up. Come on lets cheer you up. I was in Conakry, I know what its like. Look up my stories here [url][/url]If I can be of assistance let me know contact me on my mail:

Best of all : Things never turn out to be as they are.

rgds to you,


are you Fula ?

9:09 AM  

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