Sunday, November 06, 2005

Gender Bender

Funny story of the week. We went to breakfast yesterday to celebrate all the November birthdays. I arrived a bit after the others with another co-worker and therefore had not given my drink order. The waitress looks at the other guy and says, "Sir, what would you like to drink?" and he gives her his order. She turns to me and says, you guessed it, "Ma'am, what would you like?". Of course the table erupted in laughter and she was quite embarrased when she heard me speak (the fact that I was a tad sick and had a deeper than usual voice did help in that regard). I had previously told my co-workers that I had been called "Ma'am" on four other occasions (three times during the Olympics and once in Atlanta), but they hadn't believed me. This was proof positive. The lady's excuse was that from my profile, I have a "pretty face." Lol. It is interesting to note that four of the five people who have mistaken me for a woman have been black. I wonder if I'm just one ugly, flat-chested woman or an enigma vis-a-vis gender. This just adds to my confusion. Some of you may remember that I was asked by a young black boy if I was black during my mission. Who knows, maybe I am a white female. (Scary. Makes me think of Michael Jackson lol).


Blogger Georgia said...

Oh my poor baby. I believe it's the pretty face. You are too darn cute and sexy for a man. May be I need to make you a T-shirt that says, "Yes, I know I have a pretty face, but I'm still a guy...DON'T CALL ME MA'AM". But you work on the getting fat angle too, who knows, it may help.

10:36 PM  
Blogger Nate said...

huh? did you grow your hair out? were you wearing a dress? Otherwise I'm just not seeing it...

10:53 PM  

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